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The Exact Gas From All Over the World
The Right Service and Support at the Right Time
You should always be able to get in touch with us. The right product, quick and secure deliveries, professional installations and reliable service and support are our promises to you.
Contact us and we will help you by telephone or on site. Together with our cooperation partners, we offer you and your company first-class service and support.
Happy Summer!
We hope you will have a really lovely summer and a pleasant holiday! Should you ever need to get hold of us, you can reach us just as usual throughout the summer.
With warm summer greetings
Gasworld: Women in Gases – An interview with Maria Chruzander
Gasworld took some time to speak to one influential woman in the industry today, Maria Chruzander, CEO of Skandinaviska Gasprodukter.
Gasworld: SGP – Putting the Specialty in Specialty Gases
An interview with Maria Chruzander, CEO of Sweden’s Skandinaviska Gasprodukter AB, by Rob Cockerill.
Welcome, Marcus Iwar!
Marcus Iwar is our new sales representative with responsibility for sales and customer relations.
We are now ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified!
Skandinaviska Gasprodukter meet the requirements according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and are now certified.
Current Availability of Liquid Helium
The progress bar above shows current market availability*.
If you want to safeguard your future need of liquid helium, we will help you with long-term planning.
* 5 out of 5 “drops” indicate a very good supply of liquid helium in the market.
Bip — The Technology That Creates the Market’s Highest and Cleanest Quality Gas
Contact us to find out how BIP technology can benefit you and your operation!

Welcome to a Gas Company With a Familiar Feeling
”We may be small, but our knowledge is bigger, and we are immensely proud of our customers and what we do for them. When you are small you must work harder, something that I guarantee you get joy from.”